Castle Point 1

Castle Point locality

Castle Point has a population of 90,070 and proudly hosted the Mountain Bike events during the London 2012 Olympics. Hadleigh Country Park has developed into a top sporting venue with one of the best mountain bike courses in the country at its heart.

Measuring impact in Castle Point to improve outcomes for residents

Young People

Almost a third of Castle Point young people report no positive attitudes to sport.

Opening Schools Facilities funding has helped bring about new opportunities.

Cycle illustration

Half of residents living with a long term health condition are inactive in CP.

Trust Links create inclusive environments to remove barriers to participation.

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more males are active across the Castle Point district than females are.

The Place Partnership initiative hopes to address inequalities such as this.

Making Movement a Priority in Castle Point

Castle Point is closely aligned with Rochford, with the two localities taking a joint approach to this agenda through the formation of the Active Alliance, made up of representatives from Active Essex, both respective local Councils and local organisations within the statutory, voluntary and private sectors. Contributing to the Castle Point and Rochford Health & Wellbeing strategy, they work collaboratively with local groups, sports clubs and Essex-wide partners to promote and provide opportunities for increased physical activity and health and wellbeing opportunities for residents.

Take a look at how Castle Point are contributing to the Fit for the Future Strategy below.

Children and Young People
Flying Start Festival
Children and Young People
Ready4 School
Strengthening Communities
Sport England Launch Banner
Levelling Up Health and Wellbeing
MIOLI Castlepoint
Sport and Physical Activity
Ladies Cricket 2
Strengthening Communities
FORT Superheros
Levelling Up Health and Wellbeing
Copy of Case Study Images 20
Levelling Up Health and Wellbeing
Over 60s social club
Children and Young People
Yellow Door
Children and Young People
Case Study Workplace Park Play Header Image 1

Showing page 1 of 2 (15 results)
