Sport for Confidence
Inclusive Physical Activity at Waterside Farm Leisure Centre
Sport for Confidence brings together the health system and sport sector to address inequalities in participation for individuals who face barriers. They form innovative partnerships between allied health professionals, leisure centres, local sports clubs and the voluntary sector. Such partnerships place health professionals in community settings, to make adjustments that create truly accessible activity opportunities.
Sport for Confidence consists of Occupational Therapists and coaches who are able to deliver a variety of interventions which encourages a culture of wellbeing, impacting positively on both physical and mental health and overall enjoyment in everyday activities for individuals. A programme of weekly sessions is available at Waterside Farm Leisure Centre, supported by Find Your Active Castle Point. Through Active Essex’s local Active Network, they have supported Sport for Confidence with funding and building further local relationships.
In partnership with the Gym Manager and the Leisure and Community Services General Manager at Waterside, Sport for Confidence have enabled individuals who attend the programme, to take part in further activities at the gym for £3 pay as you go, with the gym induction included.

Over the last 3 months, the Occupational Therapist has focused on each individuals' occupational performance. Using an activity-based focus, they have been able to review their cognitive, motor, and sensory skills, supporting them with transferring these skills to their day-to-day activities.
The Sport for Confidence therapeutic programme is continuing to deliver two Boccia groups, a basketball group, social swimming, and a multi-sports group. The bespoke college session and the Sport and Strength session continue to grow. The therapeutic programme offers participants the opportunity to develop/maintain occupational performance skills, and for one client, the boccia and dance session is being utilised to support with regulation of emotions and social skills.
As the programme develops, Sport for Confidence, alongside their partners, will continue to provide an appropriate activity environment in which health and social care professionals can assess and deliver therapeutic interventions using sport and physical activity. This is to be part of a graded approach and can include progressing from specialist groups to mainstream activities, whilst also realising additional health benefits.
Key Learnings
It's important to take time to reflect and understand the learnings from work undertaken, in order to focus on ways to improve in the future.

Educating Staff
Important to educate staff on the Sport for Confidence model and role of Occupational Therapists

Should maintain partnerships and relationships with local healthcare and sports organisations

Community Links
This year has established the importance of linking with PCN's and CAVS - Ways to Wellness

Carer Support
Next step should include a meeting with the carers support advisor for further development