Chelmsford locality
The City of Chelmsford sits within the Mid Essex Hub, with a population of 177,080. The city’s population is slightly older than the national average with a small community of those from Asian backgrounds. It is named after its main settlement, Chelmsford, which is also the county town of Essex. On 1 June 2012 Chelmsford was granted city status to mark the Diamond Jubilee of Elizabeth II.
Measuring impact in Chelmsford to improve outcomes for residents

Over half of young people living in the district are active.
Engaging young people in activities where youth voice is used is key for sustainability. The Make Space for Girls project is a perfect example of that.

Fewer females are active in Chelmsford than males.
Work still needs to be done to engage women in activity, but accessible sessions like Abberton Rural Training Community garden works well.

A 2% increase in number of active Chelmsford residents.
Clubs are working hard to ensure equipment and their offer, helps encourage greater awareness and participation in the sports like, Ice Hockey.
Making Movement a Priority in Chelmsford
The local Find Your Active Chelmsford Network works very closely with the City Councils Community Sport and Wellbeing Team and the CVS. The network is represented on the Chelmsford Health and Wellbeing Board, with one of their priorities being to ‘Reduce excess weight and obesity and increase physical activity in adults and children’.
Take a look at how Chelmsford are contributing to the Fit for the Future Strategy below.