Colchester 1

Colchester locality

The population of Colchester is 192,700 making it the largest local authority area in Essex in terms of population size. Colchester has long been known as Britain's oldest recorded town and has particularly strong connections to its Roman Heritage. Since 2017, the locality has been part of the Essex Local Delivery Pilot to tackle the deepened inequalities that exist for people to get active. More recently, this has led to the district being able to secure further funding through the Sport England Place Deepening.

Measuring impact in Colchester to improve outcomes for residents

Yoga mum and baby

More males are active than females by 5.5.% across Colchester district.

And unfortunately this inequality deepens with ethnicity. Activities in a culturally sensitive environment can reduce barriers.


25% of young people in Colchester report no positive attitudes to physical activity

As a result this can have an impact on anti-social behaviour. Physical activity can strengthen ties between the Police and youth.


of people in lower socio economic groups in Colchester are not active.

Cost can often be a barrier when it comes to participation, and programmes that offer free sessions help to tackle inequalities.

Making movement a priority in Colchester

Within Active Essex, Colchester is part of the North Essex Hub. Colchester is one of the 3 Essex Local Delivery Pilot test areas as part of a new and exciting initiative, led by Active Essex, to build healthier, more active communities across Greater Essex. The work of Active Essex also includes supporting the Find Your Active Colchester network which is connected to the Colchester Local Delivery Pilot implementation group and also feeds into One Colchester, which is the local strategic partnership of Colchester Borough, bringing together organisations and individuals to develop multi-agency responses to local issues.

Take a look at how Colchester are contributing to the Fit for the Future Strategy below.

Levelling Up Health and Wellbeing
Headway Essex Colchester
Levelling Up Health and Wellbeing
Age Well East Header
Strengthening Communities
Abberton Rural Training
Strengthening Communities
Changing Lives 1
Levelling Up Health and Wellbeing
Zumba Gold
Sport and Physical Activity
Case Study Wheels 4 All Image 2
Strengthening Communities
Bridgeway Mission

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