Tendring 1

Tendring locality

Tendring has a population size of 145,805 and is part of the Essex Sunshine Coast. Tendring has 60km of coastline including award winning beaches, stunning seafront gardens at Clacton-on-Sea and the historic port of Harwich.

Measuring impact in Tendring to improve outcomes for residents

Cycle illustration

54.8% of Tendring residents are active for 150+ minutes a week

Encouraging local residents to engage with cycling, through the free bike initiative has helped to provide additional opportunities within the community.

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increase in number of children active in Tendring

Developing and enhancing children's skills and education, has helped to increase their activity levels at the Child and Provide Essex ActivAte club.

Disability Bike

43.9% of residents living with a health condition are active

Working with Wheels For All, Shorefields School created the first inclusive Cycling Hub in Tendring, for pupils with complex and severe learning needs.

Making movement a priority in Tendring

Active Essex is embedded within the North East Essex Health Alliance, particularly through the Be Well adult domain and Be Well subgroup to the Start Well domain. Active Essex also ensures physical activity remains a priority across all the live well domains. Tendring is also one of the 3 Essex Local Delivery Pilot test areas as part of an exciting initiative, led by Active Essex, to build healthier, more active communities across Essex.

Take a look at how Tendring are contributing to the Fit for the Future Strategy below.

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