FlexFit with Becky
Inclusive dance
Following a personal experience, Becky, a professional dancer, set up FlexFit with Becky after becoming chronically ill. After realising there was a lack of accessible inclusive dance classes, she decided to set up her own online offer, aimed at those with chronic illnesses or disabilities.
Through personal experience, Becky was able to adapt her dance sessions to ensure participants with a disability could remain active without painful movements or expecting too many strenuous actions that would cause fatigue.
Her classes are designed to be done both seated or standing, and her enthusiasm for dance and movement has attracted participants.

The project was funded through Find Your Active, which has been powered by the London Marathon Foundation, as a result of RideLondon-Essex 2022.
This project follows the Find Your Active philosophy as it enables people to find the movement that works for them. Becky has also produced videos for the Find Your Active YouTube channel so participants can access the activity at any point of the day.
The use of social media and video channels has been highly effective in ensuring the classes are accessible because participants do not have to feel obligated to attend a certain time slot. The connections with Parasport and their promotion increased the number of participants as they were able to help advertise Becky's offer.
For those who had developed an illness or disability, it was important for them to realise they could still take part in activities. This class has enabled them to find their enjoyment in terms of movement, as well as gain body confidence and self confidence.