Active Environments

Roots to Wellbeing Harlow

Inclusive Cycling Around the Neighbourhood

In partnership with Lee Valley Cycles, Roots to Wellbeing have developed an Inclusive Cycling Around the Neighbourhood project, to encourage cycling in the local community.

The project aimed to address the needs of families in the area that had limited or no access to cycling equipment or facilities to ride. The project also highlighted that there was a need for inclusive cycling programmes, especially for children with autism and balance issues.

Roots to Wellbeing have built a team of volunteers and also a sustainable infrastructure for cycles to be donated, repaired and serviced and then delivered to families in the area.

Group 1
Who is it for?
Harlow residents in priority neighbourhoods
Goal 1
Prime Objective:
to provide access to cycling equipment or facilities to ride
Goal 2
Second Objective:
to provide a safe and inclusive space to practice cycling

Supported through the Active Essex Find Your Active small grants programme, along with funding from the Essex Cycle Grant, Roots To Wellbeing held an event specifically for inclusive cycling - ICAN. The event was held at EXL driving school in Harlow providing providing an enclosed, flat surface to enable people to practice basic bike skills in a safe environment.

With the support of a local Autism charity and due to the success of the initial event, Roots To Wellbeing were able to extend their offer with bookable sessions for children and adults to gain confidence in riding a bike without assistance. Important lessons were learnt from this that will help to develop the project in terms of a need for inclusive training, equipment and provisions.

Since its conception, Roots to Wellbeing have made important strides in identifying challenges for families living in priority neighbourhoods, as well as those who have SEN children. Together with their partners, this has enabled them to plan for the future and find a way to make cycling inclusive and enjoyable for all.

At the ICAN event at EXL driving school / track we were made aware of a family who live in Harlow but have to travel as far as Basildon for a chance to practice riding a bike. The young adult who has autism, is able to ride a 2 wheeler but has no concept of danger, so requires a safe track for him to cycle on. As part of this project and in collaboration with Trailnet CIC who were in attendance on the day, we were able to help the young adult try a range of inclusive cycles including a tandem for him and his mum to enjoy cycling together.
donated cycles to the Harlow Cycle Recycle scheme
booked on to the ICAN one day inclusive event
families engaged during the ICAN event at Exl school/track