Forest Thoughts
A friendly circle for women
Forest Thoughts is a women’s circle in Maldon offering a supportive and safe space through drumming, funded through the Find Your Active fund.
A women’s circle is a supportive and safe space that provides attendees with the opportunity to self-reflect, to build confidence and faith in themselves. Women who have suffered domestic abuse, are living with poor mental health, as well as new mothers and teenagers who need to connect with others, have all been catered for through the drumming and yoga sessions.

The Find Your Active small grants fund from London Marathon Foundation, allowed Sarah to host circles once a month for a 6-month period. In groups, women are invited to sit in a circle, with Sarah the instructor for a couple of hours to experience true belonging and a sisterly embrace.
With different themes to each gathering, this included new moon, crafting, expressive arts, and seasonal celebrations. One of the intentions of the group is to invite participants to meditate, dance in a free flowing and intuitive manner and make music with shamanic drums and shakers.
The project has been a success bringing like-minded people from all over the county to enjoy this experience. The funding helped Sarah to purchase more equipment to allow participants the opportunity to make use of the drums and instruments when they attended the sessions. The engagement achieved highlighted that many women were open to trying something new in the women’s circle and through drumming.