A Foreword by Jason Fergus

I am proud to share this detailed Active Essex Impact Report with you, for the year 2023/24. I enjoy this time of year where we reflect on our work and showcase the systems impact across the site through exciting stories and videos. This illustrates our contribution to the systems Fit for the Future, 10-year strategy for physical activity and sport in Essex, and our work towards the five strategic priorities.

I believe that this year’s Active Essex Impact Report clearly demonstrates the incredible breadth and depth of work taking place to inspire so many residents to be active. The stories showcased across the site, highlight the dedication of our partners, stakeholders and locally trusted organisations in striving to create an active Essex for everyone’s health and wellbeing.

As outlined in our 23-24 Implementation Plan, we set out 4 indicators to measure the success of our contribution to the system strategy; increasing physical activity levels, reducing inactivity levels, narrowing inequalities and improving children’s attitudes to physical activity.


The headway we've made as a sector in Essex this year

Cycle illustration

Increasing activity levels

3.9% increase in the number of physically active residents in Essex.

Leading way 1

Reduction in inactivity levels

0.9% reduction in the number of inactive residents across Essex.

Running illustration

Female physical activity levels

More females in Essex are active now, than in the year 2022.

Blind man

Activity levels for those living with a long term health condition

Essex has seen an increase in active residents living with health conditions.

Yoga mum and baby

Activity levels among underrepresented communities

Positive increase in activity among under-represented groups in Essex.

A campaign was launched in September 2023 to tackle the number of negative attitudes children feel towards physical activity, and as this embeds into the Essex system, we hope this will have a positive effect in increasing the number of active children and young people across the county.

An extensive amount of work has taken place to prioritise share and learn, both internally and with Essex partners, alongside the wider sport and physical activity network. We have brought the system together through various Share-Connect-Collaborate events, to network, learn from others and inspire collaborative working. Our innovative approach, and passion has propelled and developed us into pioneers helping to shape the landscape of physical activity through place-based working.

2024-25 is set to be an exciting year where we see the transition of the Essex Local Delivery Pilot into Sport England’s new Place Expansion initiative, which includes deepening and expanding across other areas in Essex. Impacting the whole county, we look forward to strengthening our relationships further and have a stronger understanding of the inequalities that exist in each of our places.

Please take the time to explore our Impact Report site, to see what has been achieved across the sector over the past year and hear about the amazing stakeholders and partners we’re privileged to work with.

Take a look at the work completed through our Strategic Priorities

Active Environments

Strategic Priority

Creating attractive and accessible spaces, to encourage participation in informal activities.

Active Environments Banner
Children and Young People

Strategic Priority

Ensuring every child has the best start to life, whereby they are active, healthy and happy.

Children and Young People 1
Levelling Up Health and Wellbeing

Strategic Priority

Good physical and mental health is our most precious asset in life.

Health and Wellbeing Banner 2024
Sport and Physical Activity

Strategic Priority

Supporting the recovery, development and growth of the sport and physical activity sector in Essex.

SPA Banner
Strengthening Communities

Strategic Priority

Using the power of physical activity to build strong communities.

Strengthening Communities

Familiarise yourself with the vision, mission and targets set out within Fit for the Future, the Essex Physical Activity & Sport sector strategy, as this Impact Report showcases Active Essex's contribution to it.
