Limes Farm Colts
Free Football Offer
As a community initiative, set up by the Limes Farm Community Group, it provides a fantastic opportunity for residents from a lower socio economic group to participate in physical activity.
The Limes Farm ward has the 5th highest level of income deprivation, and the 4th highest prevalence of obesity in reception-aged children in the district. With an added issue of anti-social behaviour, the club provide important support for young people in the area.
Supported by Epping Forest District Council, Active Essex and the Public Health Accelerator Bid (PHAB) funding, the Limes Farm Colts were struggling with general operating costs. With a high need for free physical activity opportunities in the area, the Colebrook Royals FC have been able to help with coaching sessions whilst further community coaches get qualified to a LA Level 1 Coach.

The coaches have provided a great environment which teaches the young people discipline and with over 40+ children and young people attending every week during term time, the club has seen a positive impact on the numbers of young people participating in anti-social behaviour.
Partnership working across the system, from Essex Police, Grange Farm Trust and the Community Safety Partnership have helped inject some much-needed support for residents that need the outlet of sport and physical activity.
The relationship between the young people and the Police has improved as they often attend and join in, which helps build a trusted relationship between children and law enforcement.
Key learnings
It's important to take time to reflect and understand the learnings from work undertaken, to focus on ways to improve in the future.

Continuous funding needed to enable the free session.

Cost is a huge barrier to their target audience.

With many social issues, planning this meticulously is vital.