Elsie Burt
Chair- based Yoga for the over 50’s
Elsie delivers chair-based yoga in Epping United Reform Church, to enable the over 50’s living with disabilities or long-term health issues, to experience breathing exercises, balances, and meditation.
Chair-based yoga comes with many benefits, including improving circulation, reducing anxiety, helping lower blood pressure, protecting joints, and building strength and balance; all important factors for adults as they get older to help ensure good mobility long into later life.

Participants aged from 50-90 years old, and sessions focused on breathing techniques, supporting spinal problems, strengthening joints and generally helping individuals become more relaxed. Elsie herself is 75 years old, so relates to how a lot of her participants feel when beginning the class. She therefore designed the sessions around the ethos of the Find Your Active campaign to create an atmosphere where people could come along, learn the basics of yoga, have some fun, socialise, and find the activity that works for them.
Active Essex supported Elsie through Find Your Active funding to deliver the weekly classes, hire the hall, and purchase new equipment suitable for this age group. The Find Your Active Community Connector for West Essex, also provided support to the project, putting Elsie forward for the funding initially, and then attending classes to help participants who were particularly new to movement.