Brentwood EELS Rugby Club
Wheelchair Rugby League
In just 3 years, Brentwood EELS Wheelchair Rugby has grown from an expression of interest and Rugby League World Cups for Men, Women and Wheelchair to establishing as a formal club that competes cross county.
Brentwood Eels RLFC is a well-established rugby league club, currently in its 20th year, but identified that there was an important need to build a wheelchair rugby team to provide inclusive opportunities for local residents. Following the Wheelchair Rugby League World Cup that was hosted in Stratford, the club felt it was important to create accessible options to engage with the sport and build upon the momentum created by the World Cup.

With a range of players from the age of 14 to 60+, all but 2 players are disabled. The accessibility and inclusive approach to the club, means that everyone can get involved, regardless of ability, age or gender.
Working alongside the local council, and Active Essex, the Brentwood EELS were able to reach out and utilise the Brentwood Centre, making the changing rooms more accessible, and using sports chairs, that had been unused by a former Basketball club.