Children and Young People

KS1 Awards

KS1 Awards

The Active Essex KS1 awards were created as there was previously no vehicle to recognise excellence in delivery of physical activity, P.E and school sport in KS1. Physical literacy is extremely important in getting children active and provides children with the motivation, confidence and understanding to value physical activity.

The aim is to encourage children to engage with physical activity for life as becoming an active adult can ensure they are happier with higher levels of individual and community development.


AE Whos it for
Who is it for?
Key Stage 1 children county wide
AE Prime
Prime Objective
To celebrate excellent delivery of physical activity
AE Second
Second Objective
To encourage sport and P.E participation
The Active Essex KS1 Mark has become an invaluable tool in enhancing engagement with schools across Greater Essex, whilst continuing to act as a framework to guide school's provision for PE, school sport and physical activity. I believe schools deserve a mechanism in place to recognise the efforts of school staff in KS1 and learn from best practices across Essex.
Anthony Seaman, Educational Practitioner at Active Essex

Active Essex continue to deliver Making the Most of Primary PE and Sport Premium workshops and webinars to aid schools and teachers maximise their sport, P.E and daily movement offer.

Applications were verified by Active Essex and Chelmsford Schools Sport Partnership, schools could apply at any time of the year and the award is valid for 2 years. The awards were given out at an event at Melbourne Stadium in March and the selected schools received a framed certificate from a local councillor as well as having the chance to play different games with other schools.

additional schools have been recognised this year
The award recognises things like the broad curriculum we offer, but also the inter-school festivals and events we attend. Support given by organisations such as Active Essex through the School Games is invaluable, and helps give our children invaluable experiences that they will remember for their whole lives
Sean Hillier, PE lead at Hamford Primary Academy